Course curriculum

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    Course Contents

    • Lesson 1 - Series Introduction

    • Lesson 2 - What is Architecture

    • Lesson 3 - When and How Architecture Happens?

    • Lesson 4 - Change is the Biggest challenge in Software Development

    • Lesson 5 - Understanding the Layered Architecture Pattern

    • Lesson 6 - Understanding the Domain Layer

    • Lesson 7 - Understanding the Presentation Layer

    • Lesson 8 - Understanding the Persistence Layer

    • Lesson 9 - Understanding the Application Services Layer

    • Lesson 10 - Understanding the Web Services Layer

    • Lesson 11 - Chatty versus Chunky Layer Interactions

    • Lesson 12 - Designing Data Transfer Objects

    • Lesson 13 - Using Dependency Injection to Decouple Layers

    • Lesson 14 - Understanding Cross-Cutting Concerns

    • Lesson 15 - Architectural Spikes and Setting Up the Solution

    • Lesson 16 - Where to Go from Here?